Jess Vickery, President - Ext. 2393
Irma Gonzalez-Cuadros, Vice President - Ext. 2319
Kim Kirkwood, Treasurer - Ext. 2294
Deborah McCabe, Secretary - Ext. 2287
Magian Smith, Administrative Secretary - Ext. 2538
The Academic Senate has approved the following three ways to request items or presentations be added to future Academic Senate agendas.
The Senate Executive Committee will make every effort to agendize items upon request, subject to considerations of Academic Senate purview, Senate and District priorities, and time. Once your request is received, you will receive a response indicating one of the following:
NOTE: Please be aware that any information or content submitted to the Academic Senate office will be made available to the public in accordance with The Brown Act.
Please submit your request at least eight (8) days prior to the requested meeting date. Due to limited time and the need for advance planning, members are encouraged to submit requests as early as possible. All final meeting-related documents must be received by the Thursday immediately prior to the date on which the item/presentation is agendized so that they may be distributed to senators for consideration by the Friday immediately prior to the meeting date.
If you have any questions, please contact Magian Smith, Academic Senate Administrative Assistant, at (530) 895-2538 or email